Pandan Chiffon Cake 香兰戚风蛋糕

Pandan Chiffon cake is one of my favorite from my baking list. My daughter, husband and now including my 20 months old son also love this cake. In shanghai, we hardly find it in any bakery shop, like wise in Malaysia. There are expats from Singapore or Malaysia homemade pandan chiffon cake for order, a 80gm pandan chiffon cake can easily cost  RMB80(equals to RM50). Look at this ridicules price, I would rather make my own pandan chiffon cake at home. Pandan leaves is not common in Shanghai, usually we order the Pandan leaves in bulk (min 500gm) from Taobao, which I believe are from Guangzhou area. That's part of the reason make this cake so precious in Shanghai. Some people choose to use pandan essence, but that is never in my option. I am not good in making meringue (打发蛋白霜) by using Thermomix, thus I am still using the traditional mixer to do the mixture.

Item A:
60gm Sugar 
5 eggs white
5cc lemon juice

Item B:
5 egg york,
30gm salad oil
20 gm sugar
5gm coconut powder/ 5cc coconut milk
15gm pandan juice with 50gm water
90 gm cake flour

Item A:
1. beat egg white a bit until have some bubbles, add lemon juice and 1/3 sugar to beat at high speed with mixer.
2. By sequence add 2/3 n all sugar to beat till fluffy (about 10 mins)

Item B:
3. Egg yolk stir with sugar, add in pandan juice with water, oil, coconut powder, mix even.
4. Add in sieved cake flour.
5. Add 1/3 egg whites into item B, use spatula lightly stir even then pour into the remaining item A. 6. Mix evenly and pour the mixture into mold.
7. Hit the mold on table 3 times to remove the air.
8. Bake 160 degree for 10mins then turn to 150 degree 38 mins.
9. After bake, turn the mold upside down for cool down before remove from the mold.


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