Taiwanese Original Honey Cake Taiwan 台湾原味蜂蜜蛋糕

Its been sometimes I saw the posting about the hottest cake in town, Taiwanese Original cake. I am not a cake person, but my son is! So I googled try to get a recipe that is simple, fast, and healthy. The ingredient list is very simple and available in most of the baking mothers' kitchen, with the help of Thermomix, I only spend 15 mins for all preparation, and get the cake mixture done. Below is the original recepi with some adjustment myself to make it less sweet to fit for kids.

Eggs - 6pcs  (I used kampung eggs)
pinch of salt
Honey - 70gm (I used 60gm)
Milk - 70gm (I used Dutch Lady UHT milk)
Sugar - 95gm (I used 80gm)
Bread Flour - 150gm (I used organic cake flour)

1. Insert butterfly stick into TM bowl. Eggs, Sugar and salt into bowl, 15 mins/50 degree/speed 3.5, until foamy.
2. Pre-hear oven 170 degree (I use 160 degree, because I have an old oven which the temperature slightly high)
3. Lay baking paper all over the interior of the cake mold.
4. Mix honey with milk and stir well
5. Add sifted cake flour into TM bowl, 15 sec/speed 2, try every 3 sec reverse and normal spin until done
6. Add in honey milk liquid in TM bowl, 15sec/speed 2.
7. Pour the cake mixture into cake mold, drop the baking mould gently on table to release the big air bubbles. Bake in oven 20 mins 160 degree, then reduce temperature to top 150 degree and bake for another 10 mins until the surface surface golden brown.
8. Up side down the cake position when done to prevent excessive shrinking when cool down.
tips: the mixture contained honey so is easy to get dark on the top surface of the cake, watch your temperature or use a baking paper to cover top of the surface to get more even and pretty colour.


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