Audi Dream Farm 梦田休闲农场

慕名了很久槟城有个Audi Dream Farm,可是听到说是Balik Pulau路途遥远经常放弃到这地方的想法。今天难得爸爸心血来潮决定孩子们下课后直接往Balik Pulau开车去。从Prai一直开到Audi Dream Farm大约需要1.5个小时。爸爸说一个字,累。买了入门票(成人RM7,儿童RM3,三岁以下免费)和喂食小动物的食材(RM15, 含5个小包小鸟,鸡鸭,小鸟,白兔的食物,一罐羊奶和一包蔬菜)。孩子们欢天喜地迫不及待的要进入农场里和小动物们近距离接触了。第一站是小鸟的天地。这里的小鸟颜色很特别,有蓝色,绿色,黄色很是艳丽可爱。也许小鸟儿们都很习惯被群众喂食,所以只要你把手抬起来,手里没有食物,也有一大群鸟儿往你手上停歇。刚才还兴致勃勃急着要给小鸟喂食的小妞,当一群鸟儿往她手里都停下来,由于小鸟的爪子有点刺刺的感觉,这突起而来的状况把小妞给吓坏了,马上不愿意了。弟弟也是有点抗拒,因为鸟儿实在太热情了,我们觉得这农场里的动物们都是习惯了被群众喂食,所以一点都不畏惧人类。弟弟完全就是要妈妈抱身上的状态,反倒是爸爸最开心,享受着和鸟儿们的时光,

下一站是小白兔和小白鼠的天地,小妞丝毫没有害怕,一颗一颗的喂料往白兔小边送去。一整排的小白鼠,急忙挤过来抢食物,很是可爱。接下来还有小马,My Little Pony, 是小妞喜欢的卡通片之一,但是马儿都忙着吃小阑珊里的草,都不多加理会我们。只好摸摸小马儿的头,拍些照片再往前面走去。有鸡群,有鸭子,还有梅花鹿,一大圈的喂食后来到了小羊儿的住所。


We was at Audi Dream Farm, which located at Balik Pulau. This been a must visit place in my list for long time, since we moved back to Penang from Shanghai. In Shanghai, there are alots of nature farm like this, but in Penang, we really excited to see something like this.

There's an entrance fee of RM7 per adult and RM3 for children but this farm is a lot bigger with more livestock ranging from pigeons to fish. Visitors can opt to buy food to feed the animals: rabbits, fish and chickens. It was relatively empty on a weekday and the owner mentioned that on weekends, they have pesticide-free veggies for sale.

We arrived at the farm about 3:30pm in the afternoon, glad that today is not very hot, but still best to go early in the mornings when it's not too hot . The entrance fee is  RM7 per adult and RM3 for children. Visitors can opt to buy food to feed the animals RM15, including a bottle of milk for goat, food for pigeon, chicken, a packet of vegetables for goat/turtle, food for bird. Ruizs favorite part of the day is feeding the goat with milk.

Audi Dream Farm 梦田休闲农场
Address: Sungai Rusa, Balik Pulau, Penang.
Opens daily: From 8am -6.00pm
Entrance fees: Adults RM7, Children RM3
Contact : 012 4999099 (Sam Lim)

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