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上海迪斯尼乐园 Shanghai Disneyland


1. 语言: 上海迪斯尼乐园主要语言是中文,基本上各种剧场,表演,甚至工作人员都说中文。相比日本的迪斯尼乐园里,所有的沟通都是以日语为主,所以很多剧场,甚至是游戏我完全听不懂,只是随着音乐感觉去体验而已。反倒是上海迪斯尼让我完全了解每个游戏的意义,流程,甚至规则,玩起来有所期待也感受到迪斯尼的魅力。

2.价格: 关于入门票价格,亚洲区的迪斯尼基本上价格差不多,就是汇率有小差距。但是旅游整个配套,包括饮食,飞机票,时间的配合,个人觉得还是从马来西亚到上海来得划算。就说日本的酒店价格,别说迪斯尼酒店,一个普通日本的酒店都得人头统计,价格绝对是五星,但是只能享受到三星的设备(酒店房间空间很小)。上海的酒店虽然不便宜,但是相对日本来说,来的宽敞,价格比较大众化。就说上海迪斯尼的玩具总动员酒店的价格一晚也就马币RM400左右,相比日本一个普通的酒店 (别说民宿),一个晚上基本上就是这个价格。再说上海迪斯尼官方酒店优惠期,也许RMB1200 (大约RM700左右)就可以要到。预定上海的酒店价格,还是到Ctrip携程网去看看( ,或者直接下载携程网的app.个人觉得携程网的价格最为实惠,, booking.com之类都比不上它。


3. 卫生: 关于迪斯尼乐园里面的卫生管理,个人觉得不相上下。由于上海迪斯尼乐园是全新开放,各种设施都新颖,干净。卫生管理工作人员也非常之多,曾经就孩子这里不小心卫生纸掉地上,马上就有工作人员前来清理,效率非常之快。但是上海迪斯尼乐园的范围非常的宽大,也许是日本的2倍之大,也许有些游客的卫生意识不及日本人,所以对于他的卫生管理只能说还满意,绝对合格。碰上各种问题关于在上海迪斯尼乐园里随地丢垃圾,随地拉屎拉尿,我也遇见过。但是个人觉得只是偶尔发生文化意识不强的游客,并不能一概评论为卫生管理不好。相信香港的迪斯尼由于人潮汹涌,应该卫生管理也来不及符合完美的标准。

4. 饮食: 上海迪斯尼乐园外有个迪斯尼小镇,那里有许多商店,餐厅。其中包括2层楼的乐高购物商场,里面有各种免费小模型任由孩子们搭配。还有大众化的餐厅,其中我最喜欢的是一风堂拉面馆,还有很有名来自美国的cheese factory,甚至还有food court,里面有亚洲的nasi lemak,还有其他适合我们亚洲人的口味的各种食物。当然迪斯尼小镇也少不了,迪斯尼商品店,非常的庞大。还有大家熟悉的星巴克和breads talk,价格都是平民化的。

5.设施: 日本迪斯尼乐园让我惊叹的是我10年前到过,和10年后再次踏入它,还是觉得设施保养的得非常好,从油漆到建筑物和各种的游戏设施完全保持艳丽的色彩。但是上海迪斯尼乐园是全世界最新的迪斯尼乐园,我相信它的各种游戏设施绝对是最先进,其他国家的乐园里还找不到。就说乐园里面最火的游戏-飞跃地平线,淡季也最少需要排队30分钟才能玩上,旺季的时候就也许90分钟以上的等待。而却快速通道票,基本上在开园的30分钟内就会全部派完,很难拿到快速通票,因为旅游团队早就虎视眈眈了。由于我们是淡季普通天去的,所以我们都是乘人少的时候去排队,小妞和爸爸拍过30分钟2次,我和小妞就排队过40分钟一次。所以基本上这个最火的游戏,小妞和爸爸玩过两次,妈咪就一次而已囖。


从上海迪斯尼试营运我们幸运的得到朋友送给我们的试营运票,到迪斯尼一游。当时大约是7月,我家弟弟还不到1岁,弟弟就留守家里保姆带,老公,我和小妞到迪斯尼一游。由于第一次去,什么都不懂,所以什么都没玩,就走马看花的,认定冰雪奇缘剧场,为了女儿而去,再来就是晚上的烟花。去过日本两次都没有机会目睹迪斯尼的烟火风采,第一次看到上海迪斯尼的烟火表演简直看呆了,除了惊艳,还是惊讶,再来是钦佩,是太精彩,太不可思议。烟火表演也同时有3D的迪斯尼主题影像显示在迪斯尼皇宫,再配合各种迪斯尼动画主题曲,简直非一般的烟火表演。看到我们大家目瞪口呆。所以来上海迪斯尼,一定要看烟火表演,冬天的表演时间应该7pm, 夏天是8pm,不想错过的朋友还是入门的时候要一张表演时间表,上面注明各种剧场和烟火表演的时间表。


我心目中排名第二的是泰山剧场(Tarzan show).这也是非一般的演出,泰山的故事活生生的呈现在眼前,并配合非常专业的杂技表演,各种高难度的动作和舞蹈呈现出来的感觉,真的让人印象深刻。

Audi Dream Farm 梦田休闲农场

慕名了很久槟城有个Audi Dream Farm,可是听到说是Balik Pulau路途遥远经常放弃到这地方的想法。今天难得爸爸心血来潮决定孩子们下课后直接往Balik Pulau开车去。从Prai一直开到Audi Dream Farm大约需要1.5个小时。爸爸说一个字,累。买了入门票(成人RM7,儿童RM3,三岁以下免费)和喂食小动物的食材(RM15, 含5个小包小鸟,鸡鸭,小鸟,白兔的食物,一罐羊奶和一包蔬菜)。孩子们欢天喜地迫不及待的要进入农场里和小动物们近距离接触了。第一站是小鸟的天地。这里的小鸟颜色很特别,有蓝色,绿色,黄色很是艳丽可爱。也许小鸟儿们都很习惯被群众喂食,所以只要你把手抬起来,手里没有食物,也有一大群鸟儿往你手上停歇。刚才还兴致勃勃急着要给小鸟喂食的小妞,当一群鸟儿往她手里都停下来,由于小鸟的爪子有点刺刺的感觉,这突起而来的状况把小妞给吓坏了,马上不愿意了。弟弟也是有点抗拒,因为鸟儿实在太热情了,我们觉得这农场里的动物们都是习惯了被群众喂食,所以一点都不畏惧人类。弟弟完全就是要妈妈抱身上的状态,反倒是爸爸最开心,享受着和鸟儿们的时光,

下一站是小白兔和小白鼠的天地,小妞丝毫没有害怕,一颗一颗的喂料往白兔小边送去。一整排的小白鼠,急忙挤过来抢食物,很是可爱。接下来还有小马,My Little Pony, 是小妞喜欢的卡通片之一,但是马儿都忙着吃小阑珊里的草,都不多加理会我们。只好摸摸小马儿的头,拍些照片再往前面走去。有鸡群,有鸭子,还有梅花鹿,一大圈的喂食后来到了小羊儿的住所。


We was at Audi Dream Farm, which located at Balik Pulau. This been a must visit place in my list for long time, since we moved back to Penang from Shanghai. In Shanghai, there are alots of nature farm like this, but in Penang, we really excited to see something like this.

There's an entrance fee of RM7 per adult and RM3 for children but this farm is a lot bigger with more livestock ranging from pigeons to fish. Visitors can opt to buy food to feed the animals: rabbits, fish and chickens. It was relatively empty on a weekday and the owner mentioned that on weekends, they have pesticide-free veggies for sale.

We arrived at the farm about 3:30pm in the afternoon, glad that today is not very hot, but still best to go early in the mornings when it's not too hot . The entrance fee is  RM7 per adult and RM3 for children. Visitors can opt to buy food to feed the animals RM15, including a bottle of milk for goat, food for pigeon, chicken, a packet of vegetables for goat/turtle, food for bird. Ruizs favorite part of the day is feeding the goat with milk.

Audi Dream Farm 梦田休闲农场
Address: Sungai Rusa, Balik Pulau, Penang.
Opens daily: From 8am -6.00pm
Entrance fees: Adults RM7, Children RM3
Contact : 012 4999099 (Sam Lim)

My Fatty Dairy 我的肥胖日记

真的,我不是因为怀孕而肥胖,两胎到生产前也都只不过多了14kg,非常标准,应该说绝对可以瘦回到原本的体重。上海的生活多姿多彩,从一个连炒菜需要放盐都不知道的厨艺白痴,到今天烘焙,烹饪还可以开home party 请朋友来吃饭的主妇。还有认识了一班来自世界各地的朋友,大家一起聚会,又是吃。我很快乐,虽然牛仔裤从来穿不下,但是上海因为有冬天,基本上把自己的肚腩裹在厚厚的棉袄里就好了,拍照自拍还可以,以为脸型小,虽然快要有双下巴但是还勉强可以瞒天过海。就这样快乐的陶醉在吃喝玩乐中。一直到2016的12月,因为孩子念书的事,决定和孩子回到马来西亚继续学业。

马来西亚是个热带国家,一年四季热到汗流浃背。到处女孩们都短裤拖鞋,唯独我,坚持穿着塑胶腰围的长裤,还有孕妇牛仔裤。因为大腿粗大,害怕被看出来,还故意穿长过屁股的上衣,好让遮住肥大的屁股. 还有圆鼓鼓的肚腩更不用说,能尽量穿2件装,盖住肚腩最好不过。这样瞒天过海混了3个月,每天早餐享受着Penang好吃的小贩,卤面,福建虾面,Roti Canai, 油条配南洋咖啡,Nasi Lemak, 再不然去喝喝早茶,吃个港式点心再来个包。中午饭后偶尔在来下午茶,豆浆油条,煎香蕉糕,煎年糕夹芋头和番薯。我的天,那么多美食的引诱简直让我吃到无法无天。


全职妈妈的我,6岁的女儿早上去上课,还有一个当时18个月大的儿子在家,由于没有人可以寄托,只好把儿子带上Zumba去一起运动去。想得美,以为儿子会好好跟妈咪,阿姨们一起跳舞哦,才怪!不是东搬西搬再来把全部的locker全部打开,瑜伽垫全部反转。可是为了坚持我还是一如往常的把儿子带去Zumba. 同时间我也不吃晚餐,尽量只吃孩子们剩下的晚餐,比如一些煮汤剩下的玉米,蔬菜,汤水。可是这样过了一个月,我有看到轻了1kg,是有很开心,可是挨饿不吃晚餐,经常到了晚上9点左右就开始受不了,有时候反而会偷吃一块面包,这样反反复复的1kg,又回来了,实在是懊恼。

在全职妈妈的群里,我无意间看到一个妈妈的照片。我就开始问,你是怎么瘦下来的,她只告诉我是喝一个豆粉。我只问问了一句,哪里的产品?因为我心里是非常抗拒中国制的食品,虽然我在上海生活了快5年。他回答说纽西兰(made in New Zealand),二话不说问了价格是真的很大众化,结果我马上托她给我买了。偷偷的开始喝了起来,就这样开始了我的第二个瘦身计划。

I was at 60.5kg compare to before I have my first baby I was 54kg. I was desperately want to become slim again because there are just too many friends, even my ex-primary teacher asked me during our visit to her house during CNY, are you having 3rd baby in you tummy. That's very embarrassing.
I try to go exercise, Zumba and skip my dinner of eat really light dinner, but still I manage to lost 1kg, but the 1kg is returning to me again after I eat my dinner again.  With 60.5kg, is kind of hard for me to move my body, don't even mention about jogging. That was so much suffer on the routine keeps losing 1kg, and the 1kg is coming back again. Until one day I saw a photo of a stay at home mum in my wechat group. Then I asked her, what you eat to become so much slim? She said is a soy fiber. The first concern in my mind was, is that made in CHINA? oh no, even I been staying at Shanghai for almost 5 years, I still cannot trust and China made food, especially healthy food or supplements. Her answer is New Zealand! Horray, I was so happy and quickly ask her to order for me. Here is how I start my 2nd slimming and diet plan!

Pandan Chiffon Cake 香兰戚风蛋糕

Pandan Chiffon cake is one of my favorite from my baking list. My daughter, husband and now including my 20 months old son also love this cake. In shanghai, we hardly find it in any bakery shop, like wise in Malaysia. There are expats from Singapore or Malaysia homemade pandan chiffon cake for order, a 80gm pandan chiffon cake can easily cost  RMB80(equals to RM50). Look at this ridicules price, I would rather make my own pandan chiffon cake at home. Pandan leaves is not common in Shanghai, usually we order the Pandan leaves in bulk (min 500gm) from Taobao, which I believe are from Guangzhou area. That's part of the reason make this cake so precious in Shanghai. Some people choose to use pandan essence, but that is never in my option. I am not good in making meringue (打发蛋白霜) by using Thermomix, thus I am still using the traditional mixer to do the mixture.

Item A:
60gm Sugar 
5 eggs white
5cc lemon juice

Item B:
5 egg york,
30gm salad oil
20 gm sugar
5gm coconut powder/ 5cc coconut milk
15gm pandan juice with 50gm water
90 gm cake flour

Item A:
1. beat egg white a bit until have some bubbles, add lemon juice and 1/3 sugar to beat at high speed with mixer.
2. By sequence add 2/3 n all sugar to beat till fluffy (about 10 mins)

Item B:
3. Egg yolk stir with sugar, add in pandan juice with water, oil, coconut powder, mix even.
4. Add in sieved cake flour.
5. Add 1/3 egg whites into item B, use spatula lightly stir even then pour into the remaining item A. 6. Mix evenly and pour the mixture into mold.
7. Hit the mold on table 3 times to remove the air.
8. Bake 160 degree for 10mins then turn to 150 degree 38 mins.
9. After bake, turn the mold upside down for cool down before remove from the mold.

Baked Cheese Cake with Thermomix

I love cheese cake, since I own a Thermomix, a cheese cake in the house became so easy. That's the main reason why I keep putting on weight, I can easily finished half of this cheese cake in a day. It's just too easy and yummy! In all my baking I try to avoid Vanilla extract, which I personally feel it doesn't make different in taste. I prefer natural ingredients and fragrance.

Cake Base:
120gm unsalted butter (cut in to pieces)
250gm digestive biscuilts
30gm brown sugar

750gm cheese (I used achor brand)
120gm whipping cream
220gm sugar
1.5 tsp vanilla extract (I skipped)
3 eggs
1 egg yolk

1. Grease the bottom and side of a springform tin (7 inches) with butter.
2. Place butter into mixing bowl and melt 2min/100degree/speed1.
3. Add biscuits and sugar and crush 10 sec/speed7.
4. Spread crumb mixture into base and press firmly to make compact layer. Refrigerate for 30 mins.
5. Preheat oven 220 degree and clean the mixing bowl.

6. Place cream cheese, whipping cream, sugar into mixing bowl and mix 20sec/speed4.
7. add eggs and egg yolk and mix 20sec/speed4. Pour cheesecake filling over crumb base.
8. Bake on baking tray on lowest shelf of overn 10 mins (220 degree), reduce to 150 degree for 45-50mins (until the mixture is almost set).

Allow to cool an hour, turn off the oven with oven door slightly open.
To cool to room temperature , covered and refrigerate at least 4 hours before cutting.

My Thermomix & Recipe WeChat Group

I get my Thermomix TM5 as a gift from my hubby for my hard work to bring my son to this world on 4 Aug 2015. After 8 months stay at home in Malaysia, we returned to Shanghai with my 6 months old baby boy, of cause with my Thermomix. Since then I am actively doing my research on Thermomix Recipe and I created a WeChat group for Expats in Shanghai whom owns a Thermomix, we learn and share our cooking fun with Thermomix.
We are honor to have Cheryl Lai in our group. She is a SAHM too and famous in writing blogs about her self experiments on baking, and she finally has her Thermomix in her kitchen. She shared a lots of good tips using Thermomix in baking, findout more of her yummy baking recipe here:

If you are a Thermomix user whom is/was expats from Shanghai, welcome to contact with me at : and join our Thermomix Recipe WeChat Group. Also welcome to email me if you looking for Thermomix Recipe, as we are keeping a series of Asian Recipe and we are happy to share.

Penang Aquarium (Batu Maung) & Durian at Balik Pulau on Sunday

这个星期天,去了Balik Pulau打算进行榴莲寻宝. Balik Pulau 也称为浮罗,闻名的榴莲山,在这里沿着山路一直开会不断看到很多的档口摆卖自己的山里种的榴莲。可是这天,并没有我们想像中榴莲很多,反而最后选中了这一档口是马来人在贩卖说的是Pahang的榴莲,一公斤是RM25, 味道偏甜。虽然本人比较喜欢微苦的榴莲,但是这些味道和颜色还是相当吸引人。我就一口气吃掉了10几颗,小妞也绝对不弱人后,相对弟弟对榴莲没有丝毫的兴趣。

榴莲野餐之后,肚子胀鼓鼓的,就决定到附近的水族馆去看看。生活在槟城那么久竟然不知道槟城卧虎长龙有家水族馆, 名称为Akuarium Tunku Abdul Rahman。刚到达水族馆门口,小妞就表现的异常兴奋,非常期待和鲨鱼约会去,弟弟一如往常,根本就是没办法停下来的脚步。室内的展览确实没有什么惊喜,但是好在有不错的空调。因为是政府资助,不是商业化的旅游景点,所以入门票非常便宜:
  • 小朋友RM2,
  • 成人RM5,
  • 乐龄人士免费。


AddressThe Aquarium of the Fisheries Research Institute
11960 Batu Maung, Pulau Pinang
Tel: 04-626 3925 / 6
Fax: 04-626 2210

We was at Balik Pulau for Durian hunt. But surprised, there are not much Durian at this timing yet. Finally we stopped at a Malay stall which sells Durian from Pahang, with RM25/kg. The durians are quite sweet, I prefer durian with some bitter taste. But desperately I aet more than 10pcs durian, and my girl too. The boys seems like not interested on durian at all.
After tummy filled with durians, someone suggested to go Aquarium near by - Akuarium Tunku Abdul Rahman, which is located at Batu Maung.I never know Penang has an Aquarium! If I know this earlier, I shouldn't miss a chance to visit it! Well, I never have high expectation for Aqurium in Penang, in my imagination, it should be a small and old building but it impressed me! especially the admission fee is a mere RM2 for kids, RM5 for adults and is free for elderly.I had been to the aquarium at Langkawi, Shanghai Chang Feng Park, but I never see such big sea house. Highlights at Penang aquarium include the seahorse and sea turtles. Here has the biggest sea horse I ever seen! For such a small scale aquarium, it is very comprehensive and informative.

The outdoor exhibits are very interesting. The publics are allowed to purchase RM1 for a big packet of food for fish feeding. Of cause, both my kids was very excited, running here and there feeding the fishes, turtles, and touching the sea turtles! But it was quite dangerous for the kids to be too near to the sea turtles as they are quite huge and with teeth. I touches the sea turtles which swims nears to me, it was amazing! Conclusion, it is a very good place to hang out with family and kids!

中国淘宝代购-China Pre-Order

Purples-shop manage Air ship/Sea Ship and payment for order from Taobao Web.

Email: for more enquiries
By SEA : 4 weeks arrival
By Air: 1 weeks arrival

Home mede Soy Drink 自制豆奶

制豆奶其实有好几个种方式,可以使用Thermomix, 豆浆机或者家里两种机器都没有的朋友可

500g 黄豆浸水隔夜,有尿酸可以去皮洗干净。
放进打果汁器加水3 liter 打(可以分次)


再来,就是使用thermomix 自作豆水,方法如下:
100gm有机黄豆/黑豆 (泡在水里隔夜/最少4小时)
1 liter 水
50gm 黄糖/白糖
3-4片香兰叶 (optional)



100g soya bean (I prefer organic black beans), soak overnight or min 4 hours
1 litre water
60g rock sugar, crushed
3 pandan leaves tie into a knot
Place drained beans and 400g of water into TM bowl and blend for 1 min / speed 8
Add the remaining 600g of water, sugar and pandan leaves and cook 10 min / 90°C / speed 2
Cook for a further 2 min / 100°C / speed 2
you may serve hot, or leave the soy drink cold and keep in fridge, can last for 2 days.

Anti-Cellulite Mousse with Alpha Lipid™ Colostrum (product of korea)

配合专属专利权 Alpha Lipid Colostrum

Regardless of whether you are overweight, slim or athletic, cellulite affects nearly 90% of women & some men.
Cellulite, a term for the lumpy, dimpled flesh found on your thighs, hips, buttocks, lower abdomen and upper arms is caused by tiny pockets of excess fat, collecting just below the surface of your skin. These fat cells then bulge out, creating the very visible dimpled appearance – often referred to as an orange peel effect!
New Image™ Anti-Cellulite Mousse with Alpha Lipid™ Colostrum combines 5 high
potency ingredients. Crackling bubbles release kinetic energy which creates a micro-massage effect enhancing absorption of the Mousse into the skin.
New Image™ Anti-cellulite Mousse with Alpha Lipid™ Colostrum smooth skin is just a crackle away!
5 High Potency ACTIVE Ingredients transform fat into firmness:
  • Alpha Lipid™ Colostrum – Improves absorption of active ingredients
  • Provoslim™ – Increases skin elasticity
  • Myriceline™– Reduces the number of fat cells
  • Drenalip™ – Eliminates stored Fat
  • Bodyfit™ & Caffeine – Visibly reduces the appearance of cellulite
24/7 Action:
Multi-active ingredients that work day AND night to diminish fat deposits.
The active ingredients in New Image™ Anti-Cellulite Mousse show:
  • 65% Decrease in orange peel appearance
  • 65% Improvement in blood circulation
  • 75% Firmer and more toned skin
  • 55% Anti-cellulite efficacy

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