Dusun Durian at Gurun Kedah

我家老公是个榴莲控,这3个月来,贵的榴莲真的吃不少,Balik Pulau也转了4趟。由于榴莲价格一直还在高的价位,每次去吃榴莲我还是省着吃,反倒是我家小妞每次都放肆的大吃,比妈咪吃得多。进入7月份,听说榴莲越来越多了,价格好像有一点调低,老公带着我去槟岛寻找榴莲,就在码头旁边的一档口我们点了最便宜的老年树榴莲,因为其他标价还是贵得让人不敢靠近,猫山王要RM90/kg, 就红虾也要Rm58/kg,。 我比较精打细算,价格RM36/kg.一颗大榴莲要RM68,虽然味道不错的,但是还是难以满足我家老公的胃和荷包。味道不够到家,价格勉强接受。于是他又不甘心的兴起榴莲园之旅。这次也不知道哪个亲戚介绍下,3辆车子出发到Gurun的榴莲园去。惊喜的是,榴莲真的好多,品种就是有58号,78号,红霞价格也是RM40/kg以下,是我们3个月里吃得最便宜的一次。所以这次好像豁出去了,拼死命的吃,还打包回家,连平时不沾榴莲的偏食家伙肥弟弟也抢着吃。虽然我是第一次接触58号,78号,口感真的很好,骗苦涩味道不会来得太甜,正合我意。本人比较喜欢78号,因为果肉来得比较干湿正好,我不喜欢湿嗒嗒的榴莲果肉。有的亲戚就比较喜欢58号,有点偏甜,每一颗榴莲打开果肉粒比较多,吃起来划算点,价格相对就比较低咯。

My husband is a Durian fans. For the past of 3 months, we been hunting for several expensive Durians. Steps into July month, the Durian fest is getting hot, so we believe the price been going down a little bit. A relative of hubby recommended this Durian farm at Gurun, so we decided to pay a visit last Sunday. What a surprised, the Durians supply were lots, and the price was the lowest so far for the Durian we got for the past of 3 months. My daughter is always a big eater, especially on Durians and crab. The father said you can eat all you can this round! There are few type of Durian which are new to me, No 58 & No 78 is most popular in this durian farm. The price for this 2 type of Durian are around RM30/kg, while Ang He was RM40/kg. Personally I prefer No78, which the taste is not that sweet but with a little bit bitter, the texture of the durian meat is slightly dry. No58, the taste is sweet and texture slightly wet, is more worth in term of money value because the size of durian is bigger and the meat also more in each single unit of Durian.
IT was a Sunny Sunday lunch time when we was in the farm, so there are alots customers from other state in Malaysia visited the farm. There are also Malays friends who brought their own rice to eat with the durian! what s great idea!
My husband wanted to visit again this Gurun Durian Farm again desperately, that's the reason I hightly recommend you should visit here for Durian Buffet (pay per quatity you aet, but price are reasonable.

Dusun Durian Gurun
Phone: +6012-4302958

Taiwanese Original Honey Cake Taiwan 台湾原味蜂蜜蛋糕

Its been sometimes I saw the posting about the hottest cake in town, Taiwanese Original cake. I am not a cake person, but my son is! So I googled try to get a recipe that is simple, fast, and healthy. The ingredient list is very simple and available in most of the baking mothers' kitchen, with the help of Thermomix, I only spend 15 mins for all preparation, and get the cake mixture done. Below is the original recepi with some adjustment myself to make it less sweet to fit for kids.

Eggs - 6pcs  (I used kampung eggs)
pinch of salt
Honey - 70gm (I used 60gm)
Milk - 70gm (I used Dutch Lady UHT milk)
Sugar - 95gm (I used 80gm)
Bread Flour - 150gm (I used organic cake flour)

1. Insert butterfly stick into TM bowl. Eggs, Sugar and salt into bowl, 15 mins/50 degree/speed 3.5, until foamy.
2. Pre-hear oven 170 degree (I use 160 degree, because I have an old oven which the temperature slightly high)
3. Lay baking paper all over the interior of the cake mold.
4. Mix honey with milk and stir well
5. Add sifted cake flour into TM bowl, 15 sec/speed 2, try every 3 sec reverse and normal spin until done
6. Add in honey milk liquid in TM bowl, 15sec/speed 2.
7. Pour the cake mixture into cake mold, drop the baking mould gently on table to release the big air bubbles. Bake in oven 20 mins 160 degree, then reduce temperature to top 150 degree and bake for another 10 mins until the surface surface golden brown.
8. Up side down the cake position when done to prevent excessive shrinking when cool down.
tips: the mixture contained honey so is easy to get dark on the top surface of the cake, watch your temperature or use a baking paper to cover top of the surface to get more even and pretty colour.

Try Me 123 Detox 我的排毒武器

这是我自己试用后,也开始每天睡前一杯try me 123, 早上上厕所一身轻松。之前有轻微的便秘情况完全解决了。宿便💩远离我,旅行或节日期间大吃大喝,不必担心体重飙升,天天排干净。自己超级推荐的排毒秘密武器,内含纤维,manuka蜂蜜和aloe Vera,绝对天然,安全,放心适合素食者。
One cup of Try Me 123 before sleep, cleans away all toxin in body, next day morning smoothly go toilet, feel fresh. I highly recommend especially during holiday season or travel, tends to eat alots, Try Me 123 helps to get rid of all the toxin daily. Ingredients included manuka honey, aloevera and fiber, safe, healthy n recomnded for vegan taker too.
#旅行必备 #travelmust #tryme123 #manukahoney #detox #slim #beauty

Oh Kio Dessert @ Pengkalan Weld 煎蕊/爱玉冰

我家老公是个榴莲超级粉丝,六月里已经是第四次踏上Balik Pulau去吃榴莲,平时隔天都会去买榴莲的次数更加数不清。由于上周末Raya假期,亲戚朋友一班一起到Balik Pulau这摊uncle的榴莲摊吃到好吃的,价格又大众化的榴莲,老公一只流连忘返,天天念着还要去吃一趟。
好吧,乘着周末陪女儿上完British Council课程后就直接开往Balik Pulau去。可是中间忽然老公想起一摊他无意中发现好好吃的Chendol和冰水货车的档口,就在姓周桥的对面街,Pengkalan Weld路牌的正对面。好几次都因为时间不配合带我路过吃不到。今天刚好特地去路过,已经开始营业(12pm左右)。

我们各自点了一份煎蕊 (chendol)。Oh Kio 他家的煎蕊比较Penang Road的来的清甜,椰浆味道没有那么浓郁,正适合我这个不喜欢重口味的人。我就是喜欢他那淡淡黑糖香味配上糯糯的大红豆蜜,真心好吃。还要补充一句,他家煎蕊的红豆蜜真的好好吃!老公喜欢这里的煎蕊因为它还保存着使用手动传统磨冰机,打出来的冰沙有点粗糙,特别有口感。


The Chendol here is still using the tradisional way of manual machine to grate the ice. My husband love the rough grated ice, while I love the light coconut milk taste with very fragrance palm sugar (gula Melaka), it taste so good. The red bean paste of its Chendol also a highlight to it.
Ai Yu Bing located at Pangkalan Weld is really a good choice to cool off for a hot afternoon. I love the sweetness from the lychee the yummy jelly.

Oh Kio Dessert
Pengkalan Weld (Weld Quay)
10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang

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